Thursday, September 8, 2016

Its Five Year Mission...

So folks on twitter are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the premiere of Star Trek. The original series claimed it would be a five year mission. Well, Pulp Modern turned out to be a five year mission. I will no longer publish it since it doesn't generate a tremendous readership. I'm not a publisher, it turns out. I have no idea how to properly promote stuff. From here on, I will stick to writing, making movies, and if I can find the right musicians in Missoula, I'll put my punk band back together.

Before I say goodbye to the Pulp Modern experience forever, I'd like to acknowledge the 91 amazing writers who contributed stories to the journal between 2011 and 2016. Take a good look at this list--these are the authors you should be reading, not whatever mainstream shit Oprah's selling on national television...

Patti Abbott
Terry Alexander
Steven Axelrod
Tom Barlow
Math Bird
Grigori Black
Lawrence Block
Amy Bloom
Tony M. Brown
Craig Faustus Buck
Jimmy Callaway
Patrick Chambers
Monica Clark
Joe Clifford
Jen Conley
Jason Darcy
Janna Darkovich
Christopher Davis
James Duncan
C.J. Edwards
Garnett Elliot
Melissa Embry
Stephen G. Eoannau
Matthew C. Funk
A.A. Garrison
Walter Giersbach
Richard Godwin
Ken Goldman
Edward A. Grainger
Sam Graves
Glenn Gray
Coy Hall
Paul Handley
Robert Helfst
JC Hemphill
Gene Hines
Daniel Nathan Horn
Luther Jackson
Jerome K. Jerome
W.P. Johnson
Rebecca Jones-Howe
David James Keaton
John Kenyon
Joe Kraus
Preston Lang
Chris La Tray
Leon Marks
Dan McCarthy
Emily McNeeley
Michael McNichols
Ken Miller
Michael Moreci
Leland Neville
Yarrow Paisley
Joseph S. Pete
Ross Peterson
Rob Pierce
Tom Pitts
Matthew Pizzolato
Thomas Pluck
William Dylan Powell
Eryk Pruitt
David Rachels
Mark Rapacz
Melody Reams
Chris Rhatigan
Stephen D. Rogers
Stanley Rutgers
Scotch Rutherford
Ron Scheer
E.F. Schraeder
Sandra Seamans
Jared Yates Sexton
Jeremy Shane
Mike Sheedy
Deborah Sheldon
Max Sheridan
Mav Skye
Copper Smith
Gerald So
Frank Sonderborg
Parnell Stultz
Liam Sweeney
John Teel
Albert Tucher
Chuck Tyrell
Wendy Velasquez
Joseph S. Walker
Albert Wayne
Jack Webster
Robb White


  1. Sorry to hear, Alec, but a five year run is no small thing. Many thanks for your service to crime fiction.

  2. Thanks for contributing to the journal, Albert!

  3. Sorry to hear that to. I'll always be glad to have been included in, for what I still think will be a classic collectors item" Pulp Modern: Issue Number JFK - Adios Pulp Modern and look forward to listening to some good Pulp Modern inspired punk on Youtube:D%

  4. Thanks, Frank. That JFK issue saved PM for a few years.

  5. It was a good run, man. Keeping a gig like that going for five years is a hell of an accomplishment. You should be proud.

  6. Thanks for your contributions to the journal, William!

  7. 5 years is a good run in my book. Thanks for creating Pulp Modern in the first place.

  8. Thanks for your contributions, Garnett!

  9. No problem, Joe (I apologize for not seeing your comment sooner)!
